A home for cats? Any takers? Anyone?
Well, as long as I can remember, my family always have cats around our houses (yes, houses, ‘cos we moved a lot...keke). I think we have Belang, Hitam, Tiger, Chaplin, Comot, Cenge, Busybody, Gotok, and well, you get the idea...LOL. The main point is, we have so many cats throughout the years that I’ve lost count! The cats come & goes...some just moved on to other houses after they have their own ‘family’, some died, some got lost & never came back...bla, bla, bla.
And today, since I'm quite free (as if), I feel like blogging about a home for cats! I’ve just read this one article about how Japan has this new market for pet-friendly homes. That’s so cool! I’ve always dreamed that if I have my very own house one day, I’m gonna build a small hut next to it especially for all my pets. Hmm, maybe I should start with the cats that we have right now...I need to repair the pet house that we have at the moment.
My mother has this one rule. No pets allowed in our current house. ‘Cos somehow, the furs kinda mess up the furniture...hehe. And well, plus...my youngest bro has a sensitive nose, a bit allergic. My mother treats our cats like small children. Sometimes, I wondered, “Who was mom talking to?” Then, yup, true enough, you can see her scolding our cats for blocking her path when she’s trying to feed them. ROFL! Mom and the cats...
Ok, getting a bit side-tracked there. What are we talking about? Oh yea...home for cats. You can refer to the articles here and here. Lemme just re-post the pics of the awesome cat-friendly house for eye candy...huhu.
And of course, my entry wouldn’t be complete without some showing off before I end it. So, here are some of our cats (pictures courtesy of my youngest bro). I know our cats are not as pretty or handsome as other people’s cats. We raised local born cats only...kucing kampung. But, we are proud of Malaysian made products...I mean, Malaysian cats...keke.
Last but never least, if you are able & willing, do check out the SPCA site & help them out. I salute them for trying to lend a hand to those ‘without voices’.
A house for cats? Meow..my neighbour's cats are driving me crazy! They even slept in my mailbox!
ROFL. What the heck? Those cats seriously need our mother's intervention.
Remember in KP? Even the hundreds of chickens that we had back then, had to follow her orders. LOL...good 'ol days.
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