Friday 4 January 2013

Did you know? Strange facts about Libra

I’m a Libra :)

And I’ve read these about Libra O_O

Bear in mind. It’s just for fun…

#1: Flirtatious by nature

Libras don’t flirt because of some sort of hidden agenda. Sometimes, when your Libra boyfriend chats up a barista or your Libra girlfriend bats her eyes – it’s because they can’t help it. A natural flirt is part of the famous Libra charisma package.

#2: Creative leanings

Libra strives to balance form, colour, and elements artistically, giving them an edge in artistic pursuits. They have an uncanny eye for beauty and dress themselves accordingly.

#3: Seduction at its best

The female Libra is naturally equipped with charm and is a master of seduction. The male Libra is universally popular with women for similar reasons. Libra men also charm women through their ability to listen and relate.

#4: Attentive listeners

Not only are Libras the most socially outgoing and friendly of the signs, they are also extremely empathetic listeners. They never hesitate to lend an ear for a friend to voice his or her woes.

#5: Lover of luxury

The Libra woman seldom is able to resist luxury, whether it’s in the form of designer clothing, fragrances, or a well appointed home. Expect her to be a lover of all finer things in life.

#6: Compatibility issues

Capricorn, Aries, and Cancer are the three signs generally considered to have the most difficulty in maintaining a balanced and happy relationship with a Libra.

#7: Beauty and the beast

The ruling planet Venus gives Libras an appreciation of beauty in addition to good looks, which may contribute to a streak of vanity that makes Libras susceptible to falling for those who compliment them on their beauty.

#8: Libra’s last word

It is often a futile cause to argue with or debate a Libra – a Libra will always have the last word. This flair for debate also gives many Libras the natural skills to excel in a legal career.

#9: People and space

Libras are famously good with people (making friends is a no brainer), but they do detest large crowds. Though Libras are often the life of the party, they dislike the lack of intimacy amongst friends.

#10: Hidden anger

Libras try their best to balance every aspect of their lives – including their emotions. When angry, Libras do their best to conceal their true feelings and manage to look rather unaffected or neutral.

#11: Excessive exploits

Libras don’t shy from admitting their taste for finer things, but their appreciation for luxury and pleasure can often become a vice. Libras are known to over-indulge in things like eating, drinking, and shopping.

#12: Stability and warmth

Libras go out of their way to make others feel good about themselves, making them the best sort of company to keep around. Deep down, Libras seek to find their life partner and it’s when their partners give them the feeling of stability and warmth that completes a Libra.

One step closer...

I'm quoting & sharing this article to signal the start of the new year 2013…

One Year Closer to the Grave
by Shaykh Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh

At the start of the year, we need to keep in mind that one more year of our lives has gone. If our actions were evil, and we were treading the path to Jahannam, we have now come one year closer to it. And if we were in search of Jannah then we now have one year less to reach that goal. In brief, the end of the year means the end of a year of our lives. An Arabic poet says,

The passing of days please a person,
But this passing (in reality) is the passing of his life.

We need to always value each and every second of our lives, as we may not be live to see the 1st of Muharram next year; in fact we may not live to see the next moment. This is what Imam Bukhārī rahimahullāh highlighted in the following couplets,

Value the reward of Salāh whilst you have the time to do so,
For it is possible that your death is sudden.
I have seen many healthy people without any form of illness
Whose healthy soul departed suddenly

Friday 14 September 2012

Friday reminder (10)...

Facebook has its benefits too, sometimes...
Look what I've read on Fb...

Asma Jellad I know a man who lost his parents but refused to be called an orphan. Man enough to love a strong woman years older than him, worked for her and made her stronger, opened his heart to her, shared his fears to no one but her,cleaned after himself and sewed his clothes, and was faithful to her till her last breath. He was good looking, courageous and fearless. He never judged anyone on their pasts or looks, and was moderate, open minded and tolerant. His neighbor was Jewish and his cousin-in-law was a Christian priest. Was beaten and exiled when he was helpless. Was merciful when he became stronger. Intelligent, wise and a hard worker, built a long lasting nation out of nothing in the last 20 years of his life. He had no parents, but loved his daughters and grandchildren. His last will was "Be good to women".
This man is a dreamer, this man is my Prophet Mohammed, a man worth looking up to - peace be upon him - Don't just read, read and think who you are, and who you want to be for the people and the women you love.
اللهم صلى و سلم و بارك على سيدنا محمد·
6 hours ago · Unlike · 2

 Beautiful words from a fellow Muslimah :)
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