I was thinking to myself...should I create different blogs for different purposes? I mean...I react differently to different people :)
'Cos, we couldn't help it...whether we noticed or not, we all actually have different personalities throughout our lives. For example; I am a sister, a daughter, a grand daughter, a friend, a colleague...
So, should I just create different blogs for each & every personalities that I have? Hmmm...maybe, or maybe not.
Sometimes I think...yes. 'Cos I want to separate between my private & professional lives. Other times, I way. 'Cos it is too much of a hassle to update things if I have multiple blogs.
Hmmm...let me think. To be or not to be.....
AFTER: Dum...dee...dum. I did it! Kekeke...I created a blog for my alternate 'blogger' self...LOL
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