Tuesday, 15 November 2011

The game is on...

Attention book lovers out there!

                The trailer for “Hunger Games” the movie is out! So far, it looks promising. I’m anticipating that the movie (movies?) will somehow manage to live up to the hype…maybe even better than the book series! 

            Hopefully, though…'cos it's kinda doubtful when Hollywood grabs a hold of any books...huhu.

p.s. I’m adding this one to my 2012 movie dates. Can't wait :)

Something xtra: http://gma.yahoo.com/video/movies-26594261/hunger-games-trailer-makes-debut-on-gma-27248969.html

Friday, 11 November 2011

Unique date...

Hmm...it's a Friday. And it also happens to be day 11th of the eleventh month (November) in the year '11 (2011).
            Ooo…there are many people getting married today...I’m pretty sure of that. Auspicious date or something like that, they say.

            So, what are you guys doing today?

            As for me…lemme just say that, a teacher’s job never ends. ESPECIALLY...when the end-of-year school holiday is just around the corner :)

p.s. Reports…meetings…sigh.
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